In fact, we are suppliers of commonly used motors, electric pumps, geared motors, fans, etc., as well as the spare parts for the same that are most in demand. All of the material in stock is available immediately and using our vast experience we will also search for the best products for you, the ones that best guarantee quality and reliability.
We want to be able to ensure, wherever it may be necessary, replacement of a component or an entire motor for our customers in order to reduce machine down time to a minimum. This is to guarantee that the customer will be able to carry out repairs, minimising system down times, even if predictive maintenance is not carried out that would be able to catch the need for service on the machine before the fault occurs.
We have a well-stocked warehouse of IE3 single phase and three phase motors, available with 2-4-6-8 poles in order to meet your requirements. And spare parts for DC brush motors, brush holder generators, tachogenerators, etc.
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Pumps and electric pumps are supplied based on the characteristics and use (flow capacity, h max, type of liquid, etc.). We will be sure to find the best solution to meet the customer's requirements.
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